Democratic Rural Conference Statement on New IRC-proposed
Congressional Districts
As set out in the Constitution of New York State, new congressional districts should not be drawn to divide communities of interest, to prioritize the security of incumbents, or to concentrate voters of each party into exclusive enclaves. Unfortunately, the lines adopted by the Independent Redistricting Commission on February 15 have the effect of doing exactly those things in most districts.
These proposed lines will result once again in huge, uncompetitive congressional districts across much of upstate that promote extremism and leave members of the smaller party with representatives completely unsympathetic to their concerns. Even those of the majority party end up represented by someone who may have to travel 4 hours or more just to visit their communities, as exclusively rural districts must cover 14 and 15 counties to amass enough population. Regrettably, counties are often fragmented into separate districts, as well.
The proposed districts seem designed to avoid competitive elections, which
does a disservice to us all. We, the Officers and Board Members of the
Democratic Rural Conference of New York State, urge the Legislature to
reject the maps submitted by the Independent Redistricting Commission.
The Democratic Rural Conference of New York State represents
Democrats in 47 of New York’s 62 counties, those with populations smaller than 250,000 people.
Officers Board Members
Judith Hunter
Margaret Bartley
Essex County
Livingston County
Keith Batman
Timothy Perfetti
Cayuga County
Executive Vice Chair
Cortland County
Jeanne Crane
Orleans County
John Hurley
Ontario County
Kimberly Davis
Clinton County
William Thickstun
Oneida County
William Hughes
Columbia County
James Mills
Putnam County
Darlene Baker
Oswego County
Michael Plitt
Genesee County
Ronald McDougal
Northern Vice Chair
St. Lawrence County
Thomas Schimmerling
Delaware County
Michael Monescalchi.
Catskill/Hudson Vice Chair
Rensselaer County
Ted Young
Seneca County
Liz Moran
Central Vice Chair
Madison County
Cynthia Appleton
Western Vice Chair
Wyoming County