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Letter from Senator Gillibrand to Orleans County Residents

Writer's picture: Jess MarcianoJess Marciano

Dear Friends,

It is a privilege to send you greetings and to express my

gratitude for your leadership on behalf of the people of Orleans

County during this difficult last year.

I would like to take this opportunity to discuss some of my work

fighting for New Yorkers alongside the Biden administration. In

March, we passed the American Rescue Plan, a critical measure

to deliver desperately-needed assistance to communities across

New York and to lay the foundation to Build Back Better. The

Plan has been an important component in driving economic

recovery across the state, delivering nearly $13 billion for New

York’s state government and another $10 billion to stabilize

local governments and support essential services. That funding

has helped struggling families make ends meet with stimulus

checks and the newly expanded Child Tax Credit payments that

began rolling out last month. It will also help our governments

keep employees on the payroll and keep critical services


While the resources in the American Rescue Plan helped us meet

some of New Yorkers' immediate needs, there is more work to

be done to promote an equitable economic recovery for all New

Yorkers. The pandemic has taken a particular toll on our rural

communities throughout upstate New York. As we work with the

Biden administration to rebuild, I want to reimagine the way that

the federal government and rural communities can work

together. I have introduced and am fighting for the Rebuild

Rural America Act, which would make $50 billion in block

grants available to rural communities for locally-driven projects

and collaborative economic development plans. The bill would

also provide for better access to technical assistance and other

resources through the USDA to make sure that our rural

communities are not left out of the recovery process.

Additionally, another one of my longstanding priorities has

gained the attention and support of the Biden administration. As

a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and as

chair of the Personnel Subcommittee, I have fought since 2013

to reform our military justice system. The Military Justice

Improvement and Increasing Prevention Act (MJIIPA) is a

bipartisan bill that would professionalize how the military

prosecutes serious crimes and would deliver justice for

our service members by moving the decision to prosecute from

the chain of command to independent, trained, professional

military prosecutors. I am proud to announce that this bill now

has the support of a bipartisan filibuster-proof group of 66

cosponsors in the Senate, and I intend to advance a vote on the

bill as part of this year’s defense authorization bill. President

Biden has personally assured me he would “love to sign the bill

into law” when it reaches his desk, and military justice reforms

remain a priority for his Defense Department.

Finally, I will continue to advocate for our state’s rural

communities from my seat on the Senate's Agriculture

Committee. This year, I was honored to be named chair of the

Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Local Food

Systems, Food Safety and Security. As we rebuild from the

pandemic, I will continue to serve as a voice for our state’s

farmers in Washington and fight for priorities such as

transparency in dairy pricing and direct relief for farmers.


Kirsten Gillibrand

United States Senator

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